At WeCode24 we love hacker culture :-)
In this context, Hacker means a curious person who wants to understand the world, and who enjoys exploring the limits of what’s possible. Hacker culture is about celebrating the agency that comes from seeing the creative possibilities within the ordinary and everyday world around us.
Which is why we chose the Racoon, a naturally intelligent and curious creature, as our mascot.
For learners, this mindset isn’t acquired by simply regurgitating facts or practising techniques. The way learning is approached is what matters most.
At WeCode24 we seek to instil this mindset by:

Rewarding Curiosity
Curiosity is the heartbeat of learning, which is why we create environments which encourage exploration and tap into the interests and motivations of learners. Our online and in-person teaching resources are designed to promote independent thinking and problem solving, resulting in unique and personal outcomes.

Prioritising Creativity
At WeCode24, coding is a means of creative self-expression, rather than pure maths or science. You don't need to win the maths prize before you can become a programmer! A creative goal, with a bit of logic and a willingness to apply yourself, is all that’s required.
On the platform, learners can create and share their own coding projects, from graphics to games and more.
Keeping it Real
Learning to code doesn't require big budgets or fancy robotics, which are far removed from the lives of most of South Africa's learners. Nor does it require simulated learning environments that have limited applications. Through WeCode24, learners can acquire real-world programming skills anywhere that they have access to a basic computer and internet connection.
Encouraging Community
We encourage schools and organisations to create coding clubs for the learners who sign up to the programme. This inspires learning and creates further opportunities for learners to benefit from WeCode24 workshops and events. Workshops teach coding as well as complimentary course material provided by partner organisations, such as design thinking and soft skills.